Soal dan Pembahasan Five More Bodies Found in Concordia Wreckage – Secara umum materi news item text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMA. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi news item text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.
This text is for questions 1 to 3.
Five More Bodies Found in Concordia Wreckage
On Thursday, officials said that five more bodies had been found by several search crews in the wreck of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, which sank off an Italian coastal island. It is reported that the search crew had found 30 bodies so far. It was estimated that two people were still missing and presumed dead.
Two bodies were found in the space between the body of the ship and the seabed off the Tuscan Island. The bodies were spotted by divers when they were setting up a special device to reach inaccessible parts of the wreck. The two bodies were then taken to the nearest hospital for identification process.
It was reported that 27 bodies had been found inside the cruise ship and three bodies were found outside the ship. The Italian forensic agency worked hard to identify all the victims, using DNA sampling. Fifteen people were successfully identified.
1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Five more bodies were found by several search crews in the wreck of the Costa Concordia cruise ship.
B. The latest bodies were found in the space between the hull and the seabed off the Tuscan Island of Giglio.
C. The bodies were spotted when divers were working to set up a robotic device.
D. Forensic authorities have used DNA sampling to try to identify the bodies.
E. Two people remain missing and the rest are presumed dead.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Apa gagasan utama paragraf kedua?”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan “Two bodies were found in the space between the body of the ship and the seabed off the Tuscan Island” yang memiliki arti “Dua mayat ditemukan di ruang antara badan kapal dan dasar laut di Pulau Tuscan”.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (B) The latest bodies were found in the space between the hull and the seabed off the Tuscan Island of Giglio.
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text above?
A. Two more bodies were found by several search crews.
B. The bodies were in the identification process.
C. The two bodies were spotted by divers.
D. The crews discovered 30 bodies.
E. The cause of the shipwreck.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Manakah dari berikut ini yang TIDAK disebutkan dalam teks di atas?”. Pada teks tersebut tidak disebutkan mengenai penyebab kapal karam tersebut (the cause of the shipwreck).
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (E) The cause of the shipwreck.
3. “… two people were still missing and presumed dead” (Paragraph 1). What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Known.
B. Expected.
C. Assumed.
D. Pretended.
E. Presupposed.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Apa sinonim dari kata yang digarisbawahi?”. Pada konteks kalimat tersebut, kata “presumed” memiliki makna “diduga”. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka kata yang memiliki makna yang paling dekat dengan kata tersebut adalah Presupposed (Diduga).
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (E) Presupposed.
Sekian Soal dan Pembahasan Five More Bodies Found in Concordia Wreckage what is the main idea of the second paragraph. Semoga what is the main idea of the second paragraph Soal dan Pembahasan Five More Bodies Found in Concordia Wreckage tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar.
Referensi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Concordia_disaster
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Ambiz Education Search:
what is the main idea of the second paragraph | which of the following is not mentioned in the text above | two people were still missing and presumed dead