How to Delete Edge or Vertex in Unity

how to delete edge or vertex in unity

When working on ProBuilder in Unity, you might can’t able to delete any vertices or edges with the backspace key. You might also can’t able to delete the edge loop. Not seeing this function on the ProBuilder window when switching to an element (edge/vertex model). But, face deleted is working fine.

The solution to the problem

ProBuilder doesn’t have the feature to delete vertices or edges yet. At the moment, you can work around this by using the “Merge Faces” action to remove the edges or “Collapse Vertices” to their nearest edges depending on your intentions.

I hope it helped somebody else who runs into similar issues. If you’re interested in what I’m up to, please check out my other articles. Happy coding!

Also read: How to import SketchUp (SKP) files to Blender 3.0

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