Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 11 beserta pembahasan lengkap dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
Skill 11 Use Adjective Clause Connectors Correctly (Gunakan Kata Hubung Klausa Adjektiva dengan Benar)
Adjective clause merupakan klausa yang mendeskripsikan atau menjelaskan noun (kata benda). Karena klausa ini merupakan adjective (kata sifat), ia terletak sesudah noun yang dijelaskannya.
1. The woman is filling the glass [that she put on the table]. (Adjective Clause)
*Pada kalimat ke-1, terdapat 2 klausa, yaitu 1) “woman” sebagai subjek dari verb “is filling”, dan 2) “she” sebagai subjek dari verb “put”. “That” merupakan adjective clause connector (kata hubung adjective clause) yang menghubungkan 2 klausa tersebut. Kemudian, adjective clause “that she put on the table” mendeskripsikan noun “glass”.
2. The glass [that she put on the table] contains milk. (Adjective Clause)
*Pada kalimat ke-2, terdapat 2 klausa yaitu 1) “glass” sebagai subjek dari verb “contains”, dan 2) “she” sebagai subjek dari verb “put”. Pada kalimat ini juga terdapat adjectiveclause connector yaitu “that” yang menghubungkan 2 klausa tersebut. Kemudian, adjective clause “that she put on the table” mendeskripsikan noun “glass”.
The gift____selected for the bride was rather expensive.
(A) because
(B) was
(C) since
(D) which we
Jawaban: D
Pada kalimat di atas, terdapat 2 klausa yaitu 1) “gift” sebagai subjek dari verb “was”, dan 2) verb “selected” membutuhkan sebuah subjek. Karena menghubungkan 2 klausa, connector juga diperlukan. Jawaban (A) & (C) merupakan connectors, tetapi ke-2nya tidak memiliki subjek, jadi jawaban tersebut tidak tepat. Jawaban (B) mengubah makna verb “selected” menjadi passive verb; kalimat akan memiliki satu subjek dan 2 verb, jadi jawaban (B) tidak tepat. Jawaban (D) merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat karena memiliki connector dan juga subjek yang diperlukan.
Kalimat tersebut akan menjadi “The gift [which we selected for the bride] was rather expensive.”
Pada kalimat tersebut, “gift” sebagi subjek dari verb “was”; sedangkan, “we” sebagai subjek dari “selected” dan terdapat connector “which” yang menggabungkan 2 klausa tersebut. “which we selected for the bride” merupakan adjective clause yang mendeskripsikan “gift”.
Perlu diingat!!!
A. Who (subjek)/whom (objek): for people (untuk orang)
B. Which: for things (untuk sesuatu/benda)
C. That: for people & things (untuk orang dan benda)
D. Whose: for possession (untuk kepemilikan), dan lain-lain.
Subject + Verb + Object [Adjective connector + Subject + Verb]
I liked the book [which you recommended].
*which you recommended merupakan adjective clause yang mendeskripsikan “book” dengan connector “which”.
Subject + [Adjective connector + Subject + Verb] + Verb
The book [which you recommended] was interesting
*which you recommended merupakan adjective clause yang mendeskripsikan “book” dengan connector “which”.
Adjective clause connector dapat dihilangkan dan menjadi “reduced adjective clause”. Penghapusan ini umumnya pada spoken English (percakapan) ataupun written English (penulisan); namun, tidak umum jika digunakan dalam formal English (untuk tujuan formal, seperti: artikel jurnal, laporan, surat, dan lain-lain).
EXERCISE (Skills 11): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Italicize the connectors. Puct the bracket around the adjective clause. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. It is important to fill out the form in the way that you have been instructed. (…)
2. The car which I have been driving for five years for sale at a really good price. (…)
3. I just finished reading the novel whom the professor suggested for my book report. (…)
4. The plane that he was scheduled to take to Hawaii was delayed. (…)
5. The movie which we watched on cable last night it was really frightening. (…)
6. I made an appointment with the doctor whom you recommended. (…)
7. The enthusiasm with which he greeted me made me feel welcome. (…)
8. The story that you told me about Bob. (…)
9. The men with whom were having the discussion did not seem very friendly. (…)
10. I’m not really sure about taking part in the plans that we made last night. (…)
Kunci Jawaban:
1. It is important to fill out the form in the way [that you have been innstructed]. ( C )
2. The car [which I have been driving for five years] was for sale at a really good price. ( I ) “subjek the car tidak memiliki verb, maka perlu diberikan verb was”
3. I just finished reading the novel [whom the professor suggested for my book report]. ( I ) “whom diganti dengan which karena untuk benda yaitu novel”
4. The plane [that he was scheduled to take to Hawaii] was delayed. ( I ) “he harus dihilangkan
5. The movie [which we watched on cable last night] it was really frightening. ( I ) “it harus dihilangkan karena sudah ada the movie sebagai subjek”
6. I made an appointment with the doctor [whom you recommended]. ( C )
7. The enthusiasm [with which he greeted me] made me feel welcome. ( C )
8. The story [that you told me] is about Bob. ( I ) “subjek the story tidak memiliki verb, maka perlu diberikan verb is atau was”
9. The men [with whom you were having the discussion] did not seem very friendly. ( I ) “ verb were having tidak memiliki subjek, maka dapat diberikan subjek we ataupun you”
10. I’m not really sure about taking part in the plans [that we made last night]. ( C )
Sekian Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 11 beserta pembahasan dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. Semoga Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 11 tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar TOEFL.
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Daftar Sekarang: Ambiz TOEFL Masterclass – Belajar TOEFL dengan Animasi Visual Interaktif
Baca juga: Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 10 (Noun Clause Connector/Subjects)
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