Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 21 (Verb Agree After Expression of Quantity)

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Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 21 beserta pembahasan lengkap dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.

Skill 21 Make Verb Agree After Expression Of Quantity (Buatlah Kata Kerja Sesuai dengan/setelah Ekspresi Kuantitas atau Jumlah)

Agreement problem atau permasalahan kesesuaian tertentu terjadi ketika subjek adalah expression of quantity (ekspresi kuantitas), seperti all, most, atau some, yang diikuti oleh preposisi “of”. Dalam situasi ini, subjek (all (semua), most (sebagian besar), atau some (beberapa)) bisa tunggal (singular subjecct) atau jamak (plural subject), tergantung pada apa yang mengikuti preposisi “of”.

1. All (of the book) was interesting. [Singular]
2. All (of the books) were interesting. [Plural]
3. All (of the information) was interesting. [Uncountable]

Pada contoh pertama, subjek “all” mengacu pada singular noun (kata benda tunggal) “book”, jadi kata kerja yang benar adalah singular verb (kata kerja tunggal) “was”. Pada contoh kedua, subjek “all” mengacu pada plural noun (kata benda jamak) “books”, jadi kata kerja yang benar adalah plural verb (kata kerja jamak) “were”. Pada contoh ketiga, subjek “all” mengacu pada uncountable noun (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung) “information”, jadi kata kerja yang benar adalah  singular noun (kata kerja tunggal) “was”.

Perlu diingat!!!


[all, most, some, half] + of the (Object) + Verb (Verb menyesuaikan Object)

*Ketika expression of quantity, seperti all, most, some, half sebagai subjek suatu kalimat, maka verb harus menyesuaikan dengan of the “objek”.

EXERCISE 21: Each of the following sentences has a quantity expression as the subject. Italicise the object that the verbs agree with. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

1. The witnesses saw that most of the fire in the hills was extinguished. (…)

2. Some of the animals from the zoo was released into the animal preserve. (…)

3. All of the students in the class taught by Professor Robert is required to turn in their term papers next Monday. (…)

4. Half of food that we are serving to the guests are still in the refrigerator. (…)

5. We believe that some of the time of the employees id going to be devoted to quality control. (…)

6. All of the witnesses in the jury trial, which lasted more than two weeks, have indicated that they believed that the defendant was guilty. (…)

7. She did not know where most of the people in the room was from. (…)

8. In spite of what was decided at the meeting, half of the procedures was not changed. (…)

9. I was sure that all of the questions on the test were correct. (…)

10. Most of the trouble that the employee discussed at the series of meetings was resolved within a few week. (…)

Kunci Jawaban:

1. The witnesses saw that most of the fire in the hills was extinguished. ( C )

2. Some of the animals from the zoo was released into the animal preserve. ( I ) “subject some of diikuti dengan plural noun animals maka verb harus berupa plural verb, yaitu were

3. All of the students in the class taught by Professor Robert is required to turn in their term papers next Monday. ( I ) “subject all of diikuti dengan plural noun students maka verb harus berupa plural verb, yaitu are

4. Half of food that we are serving to the guests are still in the refrigerator. ( I ) “subject half of diikuti dengan uncountable noun food maka verb harus berupa singular verb, yaitu is

5. We believe that some of the time of the employees is going to be devoted to quality control. ( C )

6. All of the withnesses in the jury trial, which lasted more than two weeks, have indicated that they believed that the defendant was guilty. ( C )

7. She did not know where most of the people in the room was from. ( I ) “subject most of diikuti dengan plural noun people maka verb harus berupa plural verb, yaitu were

8. In spite of what was decided at the meeting, half of the procedures was not changed. ( I ) “subject half of diikuti dengan plural noun procedures maka verb harus berupa plural verb, yaitu were

9. I was sure that all of the questions on the test were correct. ( C )

10. Most of the trouble that the employee discussed at the series of meetings was resolved within a few week. ( C )

Sekian Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 21 beserta pembahasan dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. Semoga Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 21 tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar TOEFL.

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Daftar Sekarang: Ambiz TOEFL Masterclass – Belajar TOEFL dengan Animasi Visual Interaktif

Baca juga: Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 20 (Verb Agree After Prepositional Phrases)

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