Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 22 (Inverted Verbs Agree)

the north pole a latitude of 90 degrees north

Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 22 beserta pembahasan lengkap dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.

Skill 22 Make Inverted Verbs Agree (Pastikan Kata Kerja yang Diinversi Sesuai)

Kita telah melihat bahwa kadang-kadang dalam bahasa Inggris subjek muncul setelah kata kerja. Hal ini dapat terjadi setelah question words atau kata tanya (Skill 15), setelah place expressions atau ekspresi tempat (Skill 16), setelah negative expressions atau ekspresi negatif (Skill 17), setelah omitted conditionals atau kalimat kondisional “If” yang dihilangkan (Skill 18), dan setelah beberapa comparisons (perbandingan) (Skill 19). Saat subjek dan kata kerja diinversi atau dibalik, akan sulit untuk menemukannya, dan oleh karena itu bisa menjadi masalah untuk membuatnya (subjek dan kata kerja) sesuai.

1. (Behind the house) was* the bicycles I wanted. (incorrect)
2. (Behind the houses) were* the bicycle I wanted. (incorrect)

Pada contoh pertama mudah untuk berpikir bahwa “house” adalah subjek, karena datang langsung di depan kata kerja tadi. “house” bukanlah subjek; karena ia adalah objek dari preposisi “behind”. Subjek kalimatnya adalah “bicycles”, dan subjek “bicycles” muncul setelah kata kerja karena place expression (ekspresi tempat) “behind the house”. Karena subject “bicycles” bersifat jamak, maka kata kerjanya harus diubah menjadi bentuk jamak “were”. Sementara itu, pada contoh kedua, subjek “bicycle” muncul setelah kata kerja karena place expression (ekspresi tempat) “behind the house”. Karena subjek “bicycle” berbentuk tunggal, maka kata kerjanya harus diubah menjadi bentuk tunggal “was”.

Perlu diingat!!!


1. Question
2. Negative
3. Place
4. Condition (no if)
5. Comparison
+ Verb+ Subject

Setelah question words, negative expressions, place expression, conditions without “If” dan comparisons, verb (kata kerja) menyesuaikan subject (subjek) yang mungkin berada setelah verb tersebut. 

EXERCISE 22: Each of the following sentences contains an inverted subject and verb. Italicise the word or group of words that causes the subject and verb to invert. Find the subject and verb that follow these words. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

1. Only once in the morning were the letters delivered by the campus mail service. (…)

2. Around the corner and to the right is the rooms that have been assigned to that program. (…)

3. What in the world is the children trying to do? (…)

4. John would be studying the chapters were he able to get hold the book. (…)

5. This chapter has many more exercises than do the next one. (…)

6. The computer programmer was unaware that there was so many mistakes in the program he had written. (…)

7. Seldom in the history of television has two new comedies been so successful in one season. (…)

8. How many huge mistakes have the teacher actually found in the research paper? (…)

9. The new phone system is able to hold far more message that was the phone system that had previously been used. (…)

10. In the parking lot south of the stadium was the cars that were about to be towed. (…)

Kunci Jawaban:

1. Only once in the morning were the letters delivered by the campus mail service. ( C )

2. Around the corner and to the right is the rooms that have been assigned to that program. ( I ) “inverted verb after expression of place, verb is diubah menjadi are karena subjek berbentuk plural rooms

3. What in the world is the children trying to do? ( I ) “inverted verb after question word, verb is diubah menjadi are karena subjek berbentuk plural children

4. John would be studying the chapters were he able to get hold the book. ( C )

5. This chapter has many more exercises than do the next one. ( I ) “inverted verb after comparison, verb do diubah menjadi does karena subjek berbentuk singular the next one

6. The computer programmer was unaware that there was so many mistakes in the program he had written. ( I ) “inverted verb after there, verb was diubah menjadi were karena subjek berbentuk plural mistakes

7. Seldom in the history of television has two new comedies been so successful in one season. ( I ) “inverted verb after negative, verb has diubah menjadi have karena subjek berbentuk plural comedies

8. How many huge mistakes have the teacher actually found in the research paper? ( I ) “inverted verb after question word, verb have diubah menjadi has karena subjek berbentuk singular teacher

9. The new phone system is able to hold far more message than was the phone system that had previously been used. ( C )

10. In the parking lot south of the stadium was the cars that were about to be towed. ( I ) “inverted verb after expression of place, verb was diubah menjadi were karena subjek berbentuk plural cars

Sekian Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 22 beserta pembahasan dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. Semoga Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 22 tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar TOEFL.

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Daftar Sekarang: Ambiz TOEFL Masterclass – Belajar TOEFL dengan Animasi Visual Interaktif

Baca juga: Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 21 (Verb Agree After Expression Of Quantity)

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