Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 3 beserta pembahasan lengkap dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
Skill 3 Be Careful Of Appositives (Perhatikan Apositif)
Appositive merupakan noun (kata benda) yang berada sebelum atau sesudah noun (kata benda) lainnya, dan memiliki makna yang sama. Appositive juga dapat diartikan sebagai informasi tambahan (penjelas) terkait noun (kata benda).
Sally, the best student in the class, got an A on the exam.
Pada contoh kalimat di atas “Sally” merupakan subject kalimat, dan “the best student in the class” merupakan appositive phrase karena noun (kata benda) “student” dan adanya koma (,) yang mengapit kata-kata tersebut. “Sally” & “the best student in the class (menjelaskan Sally)” adalah orang yang sama. Meskipun Anda menghilangkan appositive pada kalimat di atas, kalimat tersebut masih memiliki arti yang utuh. (Sally got an A on the exam).
Example 1
____, George, is attending the lecture.
(A) Right now
(B) Happily
(C) Because of the time
(D) My friend
Jawaban: D
Pada kalimat di atas, Anda harus tahu adanya koma (,) yang mengapit “George”. George bukanlah subject kalimat, melainkan sebuah appositive. Karena kalimat tersebut masih memerlukan subject maka jawaban yang tepat adalah (D) my friend (noun). Sedangkan jawabanIn this example you should recognize from the commas that (A) Right now & (B) Happily (Adverb), and (C) Because of the time (Adverb) tidak tepat karena tidak dapat menjadi subject kalimat.
Example 2
____, Sarah rarely misses her basketball shots.
(A) An excellent basketball player
(B) An excellent basketball player is
(C) Sarah is an excellent basketball player
(D) Her excellent basketball play
Jawaban: A
Pada kalimat di atas, Anda bisa tahu bahwa “Sarah” merupakan subject dan “misses” merupakan verb karena tidak ada koma (,) yang mengapit/ memisahkan kata-kata tersebut. Pada kolom tersebut, Anda harus meletakkan sebuah appositive untuk Sarah. Sarah merupakan anexcellent basketball player, jadi jawaban (A) adalah jawaban yang paling tepat. Jawaban (B) & (C) tidak tepat karena masing-masing memiliki verb “is”, dan sebuah appositive tidak memerlukan verb (kata kerja). Sedangkan, jawaban (D) terdapat noun “play” yang kemungkinan dapat menjadi appositive, tetapi “play” tidak sama/ merujuk pada Sarah; jadi jawaban ini tidak tepat.*)Appositive pada umunya berupa “Noun” ataupun “Noun Phrase”.
Perlu diingat!!!
Appostive merupakan sebuah noun (kata benda) yang terdapat sebelum atau sesudah noun lainnya dan pada umumnya dipisahkan dari noun lainnya dengan tanda koma (,). Jika sebuah kata merupakan appositive, kata itu Bukan Subject. Berikut contoh struktur appositive yang kemungkinan ada dalam bahasa Inggris.
Subject, Appositive, Verb
Tom, a really good mechanic, is fixing the car.
Appositive, Subject Verb
A really good mechanic, Tom is fixing the car.
*) Appositive di atas “a really good mechanic” menjelaskan Subjek kalimat, yaitu “Tom”.
EXERCISE 3: Each of the following sentences contains one or more prepositional phrases. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the appositive. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. The son the previous owner, the new owner is undertaking some fairly broad changes in management policy. (…)
2. Last semester, a friend, graduated cumlaude from the university. (…)
3. Valentine’s Day, February 14, is a special holiday for sweethearts. (…)
4. At long last, the chief executive officer, has decided to step down. (…)
5. Tonight’s supper, leftovers from last night, did not taste any better tonight than last night. (…)
6. The only entrance to the closet, the door was kept locked at all times. (…)
7. In the cold of winter, a wall heating unit, would not turn on. (…)
8. The new tile pattern, yellow flowers on a white background, really brightens up the room. (…)
9. The high powered computer the most powerful machine of its type, was finally readied for use. (…)
10. A longtime friend and confidant, the psychologist was often invited over for Sunday dinner. (…)
Kunci Jawaban:
1. The son the previous owner, the new owner is undertaking some fairly broad changes in management policy. ( C )
2. Last semester, a friend, Sarma graduated cumlaude from the university. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”
3. Valentine’s Day, February 14, is a special holiday for sweethearts. ( C )
4. At long last, the chief executive officer, John has decided to step down. ( I ) “tidak ada subject”
5. Tonight’s supper, leftovers from last night, did not taste any better tonight than last night. ( C )
6. The only entrance to the closet, the door was kept locked at all times. ( C )
7. In the cold of winter, a wall heating unit, wall heater would not turn on. ( I )“tidak ada subject”
8. The new tile pattern, yellow flowers on a white background, really brightens up the room. ( C )
9. The high powered computer, the most powerful machine of its type, was finally readied for use. ( I ) “tanda koma yang mengapit appositive kurang satu”
10. A longtime friend and confidant, the psychologist was often invited over for Sunday dinner. ( C )
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Daftar Sekarang: Ambiz TOEFL Masterclass – Belajar TOEFL dengan Animasi Visual Interaktif
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