Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 31 (Use the Present Participle or the Past Participle)

the north pole a latitude of 90 degrees north

Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 31 beserta pembahasan lengkap dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.

Skill 31 After Be, Use the Present Participle or the Past Participle (Setelah Be, Gunakan Present Participle atau Past Participle)

Verb be pada beberapa bentuknya (am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being) dapat diikuti oleh verb lainnya. Verb yang mengikuti tersebut dapat berupa present participle (verb-ing) atau past participle (verb-3).

(a) We are do* our homework. (seharusnya are doing)
(b) The homework was do* early. (seharusnya was done)
(c) Tom is take* the book. (seharusnya is taking)
(d) The book was take* by Tom. (seharusnya was taken)

Perlu diingat!!!


Continuous Tense:
Be + Present Participle (Verb-ing)

Passive Form:
Be + Past Participle (Verb-3)

*Be memiliki beberapa bentuk dan fungsi sesuai dengan jenis tense yang digunakan atau struktur kalimat, seperti am, is, are, was, were, be, been, atau being.


Each of the following sentences contains a verb in be. Underline the verb twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. At 12:00 Sam is eat his lunch. (…)

2. We are meeting them later today. (…)

3. The message was took by the receptionist. (…)

4. Being heard was extremely important to him. (…)

5. The Smiths are build their house on some property that they own in the desert. (…)

6. It had been noticed that some staff members were late. (…)

7. The report should have been submit by noon. (…)

8. Are the two companies merge into one? (…)

9. He could be taking four courses this semester. (…)

10. The score information has been duplicates on the back-up disk. (…)

Kunci Jawaban:

1. At 12:00 Sam is eat his lunch. (I) -> “eat” seharusnya eating.

2. We are meeting them later today. (C)

3. The message was took by the receptionist. (I) -> “took” seharusnya taken.

4. Being heard was extremely important to him. (C)

5. The Smiths are build their house on some property that they own in the desert. (I) -> “build” seharusnya building.

6. It had been noticed that some staff members were late. (C)

7. The report should have been submit by noon. (I) -> “submit” seharusnya submitted.

8. Are the two companies merge into one? (I) -> “merge” seharusnya merged.

9. He could be taking four courses this semester. (C)

10. The score information has been duplicates on the back-up disk. (I) -> “duplicates” seharusnya duplicated.

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Baca juga: Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 30 (Use The Past Participle)

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