Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 5 beserta pembahasan lengkap dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.
Skill 5 Be Careful of Past Participles (Perhatikan Verb-3)
Past participles dapat menjadi adjective (kata sifat) ataupun bagian dari verb (kata kerja). Past participle biasanya menyertai “have/has/had” atau be “is, am, are, …”. Kata ini seringkali diakhiri dengan “-d/-ed” disebut regular past participles, tetapi ada juga banyak
irregular past participles, yaitu Verb-3 dengan bentuk yang tidak beraturan (tidak diakhiri dengan “-d/-ed”).
The family has purchased a television.(verb)
*) Past participle digunakan dalam pola perfect tenses yaitu menyertai “have, has, atau had”. Pada kalimat di atas past pasticiple “purchased” menyertai “has” merupakan bagian dari verb.
The poem was written by Paul.
*) Past participle digunakan dalam pola passive voice (kalimat passive: be + Verb-3) yaitu menyertai be “is, am, are, was, were, be, ataupun been”. Pada kalimat di atas past pasticiple “written” menyertai be “was” merupakan bagian dari verb.
Past participle merupakan sebuah adjective ketika tidak disertai dengan be “is, am, are …” ataupun “have, has, had”.
The television purchased yesterday was expensive.
*Past participle pada kalimat di atas merupakan sebuah adjective karena tidak disertai be atau have (dan ada verb “was” sesudahnya pada kalimat tersebut).
The poem written by Paul appeared in the magazine.
*Past participle pada kalimat di atas merupakan sebuah adjective karena tidak disertai be atau have (dan ada verb “appeared” sesudahnya pada kalimat tersebut).
The packages____ mailed at the post office will arrive Monday.
(A) have
(B) were
(C) them
(D) just
Jawaban: D
Pada kalimat di atas, jika Anda melihat hanya pada beberapa kata di awal, Anda pasti mengira bahwa “the packages” merupakan Subject dan “mailed” merupakan verb atau past participle (verb-3) yang auxiliary verb (helping verb), seperti be atau have. Namun, jika Anda perhatikan lebih jauh pada kalimat tersebut, Anda akan menemukan “will arrive” merupakan verb dari kalimat tersebut. Kemudian, Anda akan menyadari bahwa “mailed” merupakan participial adjective dan bukanlah bagian dari Verb. Oleh karena itu, jawaban (A) & (B) tidak tepat karena adjective “mailed” tidak memerlukan helping verb, seperti have or were. Jawaban (C) tidak tepat karena object “them” tidak diperlukan dalam kalimat tersebut. Maka jawaban (D) merupakan jawaban yang palinng tepat.
Perlu diingat!!!
Past participle (Verb-3) seringkali berakhiran dengan “-d/-ed” disebut reguler past participle, tetapi ada juga banyak irregular past participle (bentuk Verb-3 yang tidak beraturan, seperti written, put, bought, seen, …). Perlu diperhatikan bahwa Verb yang berakhiran “-d/-ed” memiliki bentuk yang sama antara simple past (Verb-2) dan past participle (Verb-3). Oleh karena itu, Verb-d/ed dapat menjadi (1) verb of simple past (Verb-2), (2) verb of past participle (Verb-3), atau (3) adjective (kata sifat).
1. She painted this picture. (Simple Past “Verb-2”)
2. She has painted this picture. (Past Participle “Verb-3” as Verb)
3. The picture painted by Karen is now in a museum. (Past Participle “Verb-3” as Adjective)
EXERCISE 5: Each of the following sentences contains one or more past participles. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Italicize the past participles and label them as adjective or verb. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. The money was offered by the client was not accepted. (…)
2. The car listed in the advertisement had already stalled. (…)
3. The chapters were taught by the professor this morning will be on the next week’s exam. (…)
4. The loaves of bread were baked in a brick oven at low termperature for many hours. (…)
5. The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation. (…)
6. Thoses suspected in the string of robberies were arrested by the police. (…)
7. The pizza is served in this restaurant in the tastiest in this country. (…)
8. The courses are listed on the second page of the brochure have several prerequisites. (…)
9. All the tenants were invited to the Independence Day barbecue at the apartment complex. (…)
10. Any bills paid by the first of the month will be credited to your account by the next day. (…)
Kunci Jawaban:
1. The money was offered by the client was not accepted. ( I ) “offered, accepted sebagai subject”
2. The car listed in the advertisement had already stalled. ( C ) “listed sebagai adjective; stalled sebagai verb”
3. The chapters were taught by the professor this morning will be on the next week’s exam. ( I ) “taught, will be sebagai verb
4. The loaves of bread were baked in a brick oven at low temperature for many hours. ( C ) “baked sebagai verb”
5. The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation. ( I ) “reached, were sebagai verb”
6. Thoses suspected in the string of robberies were arrested by the police. ( C ) “suspected sebagai adjective; arrested sebagai verb”
7. The pizza is served in this restaurant is the tastiest in this country. ( I ) “served, is sebagai verb”
8. The courses are listed on the second page of the brochure have several prerequisites. ( I ) “listed, have sebagai verb”
9. All the tenants were invited to the Independence Day barbecue at the apartment complex. ( C ) “invited sebagai verb”
10. Any bills paid by the first of the month will be credited to your account by the next day. ( C ) “paid sebagai adjective; credited sebagai verb”.
Sekian Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 5 beserta pembahasan dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. Semoga Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 5 tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar TOEFL.
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