Soal dan Pembahasan Nine Traditional Balinese Dances

nine traditional balinese dances have been recognized

Soal dan Pembahasan Nine Traditional Balinese Dances – Secara umum materi news item text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMA. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi news item text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.

This text is for questions 1 to 2.

Nine Traditional Balinese Dances

Nine traditional Balinese dances have been recognized as part of the world’s intangible cultural heritage following a UNESCO session in Namibia on Wednesday.

Balinese dances included on the list were the Barong Ket, Joged Bumbung, Legong Keraton, Topeng Sidhakarya, Baris Upacara, Sanghyang Dedari and Rejang dances, as well as the Wayang Wong and Gambuh dance dramas.

“We are very pleased with the recognition; it enables Bali to receive protection in terms of traditional dance preservation as well as economic benefits in the future,” said Bali Cultural Agency head Dewa Putu Beratha on Wednesday night as quoted by Antara news agency.

During the UNESCO session, Indonesia’s proposal regarding the dances reportedly ranked 18th among a total of 35 countries. “The nine dances represent Balinese dance as a whole based on their historical concept, function and style,” said Dewa.

According to Dewa, the Rejang, Sanghyang Dedari and Baris Upacara dances represented the Wali dance, which is usually performed during processions. Meanwhile, the Topeng Sidhakarya dance and Gambuh and Wayang Wong dance dramas are part of the Bebali dance, known as a semi-sacred and ceremonial dance. The Legong Keraton, Joged Bumbung and Barong Ket dances are a representation of the Balih-Balihan dance that serves social and entertainment purposes.

The Wali dance is said to have originated between the eighth and 14th centuries. The Bebali dance and Balih-Balihan dances are believed to have come from the 14th-19th century and 19th centuries, respectively.

“The community has actively played an important role in preserving these traditional dances, especially the Wali dance. Meanwhile, the Bali provincial administration and its city and regency administrations should increase their role in preserving the Bebali and Balih-Balihan dances during tourist events,” said Dewa.

1. What is the main idea of the text?
A. UNESCO recognizes nine Balinese dances.
B. Nine Balinese dances are the part of the world’s cultural heritages.
C. Bali receives recognizing on the local dances from UNESCO.
D. Nine Balinese dances represent Balinese dances.
E. Balinese community play an important role in preserving their traditional dances.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Apa ide pokok dari teks tersebut?”. Pada paragraf pertama teks tersebut disebutkan Nine traditional Balinese dances have been recognized as part of the world’s intangible cultural heritage following a UNESCO session in Namibia on Wednesday” yang memiliki arti “Sembilan tarian tradisional Bali telah diakui sebagai bagian dari warisan budaya takbenda dunia setelah sesi UNESCO di Namibia pada hari Rabu”.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (A) UNESCO recognizes nine Balinese dances.

2. Which statement that supports the text?
A. The Bebali dance is believed originated in 19th century.
B. The Balih-Balihan dance is said to have come from the 14th-19th century.
C. The nine Balinese dances represent the culture and life of its community.
D. Indonesia’s proposal regarding the dances ranked well among the 35 countries.
E. The UNESCO recognition on the nine Balinese dances will be economically beneficial for Bali.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Manakah pernyataan yang mendukung teks tersebut?”. Pada paragraf ketiga teks tersebut disebutkan We are very pleased with the recognition; it enables Bali to receive protection in terms of traditional dance preservation as well as economic benefits in the future yang memiliki arti “Kami sangat senang dengan pengakuan tersebut; memungkinkan Bali mendapat perlindungan dalam hal pelestarian tari tradisional serta manfaat ekonomi di masa depan”.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (E) The UNESCO recognition on the nine Balinese dances will be economically beneficial for Bali.

Sekian Soal dan Pembahasan Nine Balinese Dances nine traditional balinese dances have been recognized. Semoga nine traditional balinese dances have been recognized Soal dan Pembahasan Nine Balinese Dances tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar.

Baca juga: Soal dan Pembahasan Indonesia in AFC U-22

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nine traditional balinese dances have been recognized