Soal dan Pembahasan How to Treat Scorpion Sting

How to Treat Scorpion Sting

Soal dan Pembahasan How to Treat Scorpion Sting – Secara umum materi procedure text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMP. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi procedure text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.

This text is for questions 1 to .

How to Treat Scorpion Sting


  • Cold water
  • A bag of ice
  • An ointment containing an antihistamine, a corticosteroid and an analgesic
  • One oral dose of Benadryl
  • One oral dose of acetaminophen


  1. Wash the affected area: If possible, get the site of the sting under cold water immediately.
  2. Medicate topically: Apply a layer of ointment containing an antihistamine, a corticosteroid and an analgesic.
  3. Apply ice: Hold a bag of ice over the ointment on the area. The ice will reduce the pain and inflammation.
  4. Medicate orally: Take one dose of Benadryl (antihistamine) and one dose of a pain killer (acetaminophen).
  5. Go to the emergency room: Because some scorpion stings can be fatal, you will need to go to the emergency room to get evaluated for scorpion anti-venom. If possible, get someone else to drive you.
  6. Ice as needed: Keep applying ice until pain is tolerable. You may experience pain for any length of time between a few hours to a couple days

1. To treat the scorpion sting, the ice is used for …
A. Medicating orally
B. Washing the affected area
C. Evaluating for scorpion anti-venom
D. Reducing the pain and inflammation

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) Reducing the pain and inflammation.

2. “Medicate topically” means you should …
A. Take some medicine
B. Apply an pointment to the affected area
C. Keep applying ice until pain is tolerable
D. Get someone else to take you to the emergency room

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (B) Apply an pointment to the affected area.

3. Why should we go to the emergency room after scorpion stings us? It is because …
A. Some scorpion stings have high level venom
B. The site of the sting must be washed
C. Someone drives you there
D. The pain is tolerable

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (A) Some scorpion stings have high level venom.

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