Soal dan Pembahasan Making Meatballs

Making Meatballs

Soal dan Pembahasan Making Meatballs – Secara umum materi procedure text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMA. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi procedure text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.

This text is for questions 1 to .

Making Meatballs

What you need:

  • 1 kilo of very fine minced meat (preferably beef)
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 grams of tapioca-flour
  • 4-8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 teaspoon of white pepper
  • 2 teaspoons of salt

Steps to make meat ball:

  • First of all, mix garlic, red onion, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer.
  • Second step, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced meat.
  • After that, use your fingers, add a cup of water, and keep on working until the mixture feels soft and smooth.
  • Then, boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters.
  • Next step, start rolling the mixture into small meatballs.
  • Finally, lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the surface the meatball are ready to serve.

1. In the first step, we should mix some ingredients, except …
A. Red onion
B. Garlic
C. Eggs
D. White pepper

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) Eggs.

2. What does the text above tell us about?
A. Making meatball soup
B. Making fried meatball
C. How to make meatballs
D. How to make the soup

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) How to make meatballs.

3. According to the text, the meatball must be …
A. Round
B. Pointed
C. Flat
D. Spicy

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (A) Round.

4. “Finally lower the meatballs into the boiling water”. The underlined word can be replaced with the word …
A. Lift
B. Throw
C. Roll
D. Put

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) Put.

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