Soal dan Pembahasan The Legend of Karimunjawa Island – Secara umum materi narrative text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMP. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi narrative text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.
This text is for questions 1 to .
The Legend of Karimunjawa Island
A long time ago, Sunan Muria had a son named Amir Hasan. He was spoiled by his mother, so Sunan Muria sent Amir Hasan to his uncle, Sunan Kudus, with the hope that he could teach him to be an independent and religious man.
Sunan Kudus was a good teacher. Several years later, Amir Hasan had grown up to be a good young man. Sunan Kudus, then, sent him home. Sunan Muria was so happy to have his son back.
Sunan Muria gave his son a task. ‘My son, there is a small island to the north of Jepara, but I can’t see it clearly from here. I want you to go there and spread the knowledge you have learned from your uncle,’ said Sunan Muria to Amir Hasan.
Therefore, Amir Hasan did what his father said. He crossed the sea to get to the island. When he arrived there, he planted trees called nyamplungan. Then, he decided to settle on the island and named the Island Karimunjawa from the Javanese words kremun-kremun soko Jowo which means cannot be seen clearly from Java Island.
1. Who was Amir Hasan?
A. Sunan Muria’s nephew.
B. Sunan Muria’s student.
C. Sunan Muria’s son.
D. Sunan Kudus’ son.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) Sunan Muria’s son.
2. What did Amir Hasan plant on the island?
A. Nyamplungan trees.
B. Tobacco plants.
C. Banana trees.
D. Mango trees.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (A) Nyamplungan trees.
3. Why did Amir Hasan name the island Karimunjawa?
A. Because it looked’ like Java.
B. Because it was next to Java.
C. Because it was an island near Java.
D. Because it couldn’t be seen clearly from Java.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) Because it couldn’t be seen clearly from Java.
4. Why did Sunan Muria send Amir Hasan to Sunan Kudus?
A. He wanted Amir Hasan to be independent and religious.
B. He wanted Sunan Kudus to adopt Amir Hasan.
C. He wanted to give Amir Hasan a gift.
D. He hated Amir Hasan.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (A) He wanted Amir Hasan to be independent and religious.
5. Why did Sunan Muria send Amir Hasan to a small island to the north of Jepara?
A. He asked him to go as far as possible.
B. He wanted Amir Hasan to be the king there.
C. He wanted Amir Hasan to plant nyamplungan trees.
D. He ordered him to spread the knowledge he had learned.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) He ordered him to spread the knowledge he had learned.
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Referensi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Baca juga: Soal dan Pembahasan The Great Fortune Teller
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