Soal dan Pembahasan Why Exercise is Important

the majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise

Soal dan Pembahasan Why Exercise is Important – Secara umum materi analytical exposition text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMA. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi analytical text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.

This text is for questions 1 to 5.

Why Exercise is Important

The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel too busy to do that. However, many expert said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy.

Being physically active offers many advantage. In physical reword, exercise can reduce weight then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally. Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy, then we can increase our life quality and expectancy.

How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly found among us. Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking while shopping. In the office we can take stair rather than lift to run up and down. Or we can go cycling while enjoy the leisure time.

Over all, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit of exercise will help better.

1. Which of the following is probably NOT the writer’s motivation in writing the text?
A. The writer realized that exercising is important.
B. The writer wants the reader to make time to exercise.
C. The writer found that many people still ignore exercising despite its advantages.
D. The writer believes that walking or cycling are forms of exercising.
E. The writer wants to convince the readers that exercising has some advantages.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Manakah dari berikut ini yang mungkin BUKAN motivasi penulis dalam menulis teks?”. Pada teks tersebut benar disebutkan tentang berjalan kaki dan bersepeda. Namun, hal tersebut bukan menjadi alasan utama penulis menuliskan teks karena informasi tersebut hanya informasi tambahan saja.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) The writer believes that walking or cycling are forms of exercising.

2. We can see from the text that the author assumes that …
A. Exercising can make us live longer.
B. People tend to make time to exercise.
C. Exercising takes time and needs a lot of effort.
D. Some types of cancer can be cured through exercising.
E. Most of us suffer from heart disease due to lacking of exercising.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Kita dapat melihat dari teks bahwa penulis mengasumsikan bahwa …”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan “Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy, then we can increase our life quality and expectancy yang memiliki arti “Karena tubuh yang lebih bugar, olahraga dapat membuat kita merasa segar dan bahagia, kemudian kita dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan harapan hidup kita”.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (A) Exercising can make us live longer.

3. According to the writer, how does exercise relate to physical and mental health?
A. Exercise can reduce weight then our body will become fitter. It is also believed to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.
B. Exercise makes the body be fitter which helps people feel refreshed and happy and this feeling increases the life quality and expectancy.
C. Exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy, then we can increase our life quality and expectancy.
D. Exercise is believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.
E. Being physically active offers many advantage. Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Menurut penulis, bagaimana hubungan olahraga dengan kesehatan fisik dan mental?”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan “Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy, then we can increase our life quality and expectancy” yang memiliki arti “Karena tubuh yang lebih bugar, olahraga dapat membuat kita merasa segar dan bahagia, kemudian kita dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan harapan hidup kita”.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (B) Exercise makes the body be fitter which helps people feel refreshed and happy and this feeling increases the life quality and expectancy.

4. The writer’s intention in mentioning heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer in the second paragraph is to …
A. Explain how exercising reduces heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.
B. Exemplify some diseases the risk of which can be reduced by exercising.
C. Inform that exercising impacts people’s health.
D. Relate exercising and some kinds of disease.
E. Tell the readers what the writer believes in.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Maksud penulis menyebutkan penyakit jantung, diabetes, dan beberapa bentuk kanker pada paragraf kedua adalah …”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan “Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer yang memiliki arti “Olahraga juga dipercaya dapat mengurangi tingkat stres, memperbaiki pola tidur, dan mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung, diabetes, dan beberapa jenis kanker”.

Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa maksud penulis menyebutkan beberapa penyakit pada teks tersebut adalah untuk memberikan contoh beberapa penyakit yang risikonya dapat dikurangi dengan berolahraga (exemplify some diseases the risk of which can be reduced by exercising).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (B) Exemplify some diseases the risk of which can be reduced by exercising

5. The text tells us about …
A. The reason why people are not able to exercise
B. The importance of exercise
C. How simple having exercise is
D. How to exercise
E. Exercise and health
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang …”. Pada teks tersebut secara umum membahas tentang pentingnya olahraga (the importance of exercise).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (B) The importance of exercise.

Sekian Soal dan Pembahasan Why Exercise is Important the majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. Semoga the majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise Soal dan Pembahasan Why Exercise is Important tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar.

Baca juga: Soal dan Pembahasan Olimpiade dan Cerdas Cermat Pekan Fisika Unmul

Ambiz Education Search:
the majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise | which of the following is probably not the writer’s motivation in writing the text | we can see from the text that the author assumes that | according to the writer how does exercise relate to physical and mental health