Soal dan Pembahasan Tsunami – Secara umum materi explanation text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMA. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi explanation text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.
Tsunami occurs when major fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips. The displaced rock pushes water above it like a giant paddle, producing powerful water waves at the ocean surface. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the earthquake source and move across the ocean until they reach the coastline, where their height increases as they reach the continental shelf, the part of the earth crust that slopes, or rises, from the ocean floor up to the land.
A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss of lives due to drowning and damage to property.
A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is generated by a disturbance along the ocean floor. This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption. A tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean, but once it reaches shallow water, this fast-traveling wave grows very large.
1. Tsunami happens because …
A. The displaced rock pushes water above it
B. A major fault under the ocean floor slips suddenly
C. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the source
D. The waves moves across the ocean until they reach the beach
E. A tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Tsunami terjadi karena …”. Pada paragraf pertama teks tersebut disebutkan “Tsunami occurs when major fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips” yang memiliki arti “Tsunami terjadi ketika patahan besar di bawah dasar laut tiba-tiba bergerak”.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (B) A major fault under the ocean floor slips suddenly
2. What are the impacts of tsunami?
A. The part of the Earth’s crust that slopes, or rises, from the ocean floor down to the land
B. A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as flooding and loss of lives
C. A tsunami is a very large sea wave which is not generated by a disturbance along the ocean floor
D. A tsunami is detectable far out in the ocean
E. Once tsunami reaches shallow water, the wave never grows very large
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Apa dampak dari tsunami?”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan “A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss of lives due to drowning and damage to property” yang memiliki arti “Tsunami menyapu pantai dengan efek yang sering menimbulkan bencana seperti banjir yang parah, korban jiwa akibat tenggelam, dan kerusakan harta benda”.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (B) A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as flooding and loss of lives
3. We understand from the text that tsunami …
A. Causes the movement of earth
B. Forms a new shape of coastline
C. Makes unfortunate event
D. Rises a new coastal land
E. Displaces rocks to land
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Kita dapat memahami dari teks tersebut bahwa tsunami …”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan “A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss of lives due to drowning and damage to property” yang memiliki arti “Tsunami menyapu pantai dengan efek yang sering menimbulkan bencana seperti banjir yang parah, korban jiwa akibat tenggelam, dan kerusakan harta benda”.
Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan secara implisit bahwa tsunami menimbulkan kemalangan (makes unfortunate event).
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) Makes unfortunate event
4. “… producing powerful water waves at the ocean surface.” The synonym of the underlined word is …
A. Fast
B. Deep
C. Quick
D. Strong
E. Weak
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Sinonim kata yang digarisbawahi adalah …”. Pada konteks kalimat tersebut, kata “powerful” memiliki makna “sangat kuat”. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka sinonim kata dari kata tersebut adalah strong.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) Strong
Sekian Soal dan Pembahasan Tsunami tsunami happens because. Semoga tsunami happens because Soal dan Pembahasan Tsunami tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar.
Baca juga: Soal dan Pembahasan Biodiesel
Ambiz Education Search:
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