Soal dan Pembahasan The Ant and the Chrysalis – Secara umum materi narrative text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMP. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi narrative text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.
This text is for questions 1 to 4.
The Ant and the Chrysalis
An ant nimbly running in search of food came across a chrysalis that was close its time to change. The chrysalis moved and this attracted the attention of the ant who for the first time realized that it was a living thing. “Poor, pitiable animal!”, cried the ant disdainfully “what a sad fate is yours! While I can run with my pleasure, you lie imprisoned here in your shell”. The chrysalis heard all this, but did not try to make any reply.
After a few days, when the ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained. Wondering what had happened to its content, he felt himself suddenly shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a beautiful butterfly. “Behold in me,” said the butterfly, “your much pitied friend!”. So the butterfly rose in the air and lost in the summer breeze.
1. What happened to the chrysalis after few days?
A. The chrysalis had gone from the shell
B. The chrysalis had become a butterfly
C. The ant felt sad about chrysalis death
D. The ant felt happy for the butterfly
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Apa yang terjadi pada kepompong setelah beberapa hari?”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan “Wondering what had happened to its content, he felt himself suddenly shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a beautiful butterfly” yang memiliki arti “Bertanya-tanya apa yang terjadi dengan isinya, dia merasa dirinya tiba-tiba dinaungi dan dikipasi oleh sayap kupu-kupu yang indah”.
Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepompong tersebut telah menjadi kupu-kupu (the chrysalis had become a butterfly).
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (B) The chrysalis had become a butterfly
2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Chrysalis is an animal
B. The chrysalis lies imprisoned
C. The ant was feeling sorry for the chrysalis
D. The ant goes around to have fun
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Apa ide pokok paragraf pertama?”. Pada paragraf pertama teks tersebut disebutkan ““Poor, pitiable animal!”, cried the ant disdainfully “What a sad fate is yours! While I can run with my pleasure, you lie imprisoned here in your shell”” yang memiliki arti ““Kasihan, hewan yang menyedihkan!”, teriak semut dengan jijik, “Betapa menyedihkan nasibmu! Sementara aku bisa lari dengan kesenanganku, kamu terbaring terpenjara di sini di cangkangmu””.
Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ide pokok paragraf pertama adalah semut merasa kasihan pada kepompong (the ant was feeling sorry for the chrysalis).
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) The ant was feeling sorry for the chrysalis
3. The text generally tells us about …
A. The adventure of an ant
B. The ant and the chrysalis
C. The changing of the chrysalis
D. The regret of the ant
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Teks umumnya memberitahu kita tentang …”. Pada teks tersebut secara umum membahas tentang semut dan kepompong (the ant and the chrysalis).
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (B) The ant and the chrysalis
4. From the text we can learn that …
A. We have to be arrogant to others
B. Freedom is everything in life
C. We have to take revenge
D. The appearance may be deceptive
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Dari teks tersebut kita dapat mengetahui bahwa …”. Berdasarkan teks tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kita tidak boleh sombong dan menganggap remeh orang lain karena penampilannya mungkin menipu (the appearance may be deceptive).
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) The appearance may be deceptive
Sekian Soal dan Pembahasan The Ant and the Chrysalis what happened to the chrysalis after few days. Semoga what happened to the chrysalis after few days Soal dan Pembahasan The Ant and the Chrysalis tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar.
Referensi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant
Baca juga: Soal dan Pembahasan A Story from the Farm Yard
Ambiz Education Search:
what happened to the chrysalis after few days | an ant nimbly running in search of food | the ant and the chrysalis