Soal dan Pembahasan Antibiotic

which diseases cannot be cured by antibiotics

Soal dan Pembahasan Antibiotic – Secara umum materi report text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMP. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi report text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.

This text is for questions 1 to 4.


Antibiotic is a drug produced by certain microbes. Antibiotics destroy other microbes that damage human tissues. They are used to treat a wide variety of diseases, including gonorrhea, tonsillitis and tuberculosis. Antibiotics are sometimes called “wonder drugs” because they can cure diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia and scarlet fever. But when the antibiotics are overused, or misused, these drugs make a person sensitive being attacked by a superbug.

Antibiotics do not always distinguish between harmless and dangerous microbes. If a drug destroys too many harmless micro-organism, the pathogenic ones -the dangerous microbes- will have a greater chance to multiply. This situation often leads to the development of a new infection called superinfection.

Extensive use of some antibiotics may damage organs and tissues. For example, streptomycin, which is used to treat tuberculosis, has caused kidney damage and deafness.

Resistance to antibiotics may be acquired by pathogenic microbes. The resistant microbes transfer genetic material to non-resistant microbes and cause them to become resistant. During antibiotic treatment, non-resistant microbes are destroyed, but resistant types survive and multiply.

To avoid the side effect of antibiotics, you’d better not urge your doctor to prescribe antibiotics. Keep in mind that antibiotics are only useful for bacterial infections and have no effect on viruses, so they cannot be used for children pox, measles, and other viral diseases.

1. Which diseases cannot be cured by antibiotics?
A. Tonsillitis
B. Meningitis
C. Chickenpox
D. Tuberculosis
E. Scarlet Fever
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Penyakit apa yang tidak bisa disembuhkan dengan antibiotik?”. Pada paragraf pertama teks tersebut disebutkan “They are used to treat a wide variety of diseases, including gonorrhea, tonsillitis and tuberculosis. Antibiotics are sometimes called “wonder drugs” because they can cure diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia and scarlet fever yang memiliki arti “Antibiotik digunakan untuk mengobati berbagai macam penyakit termasuk gonore, tonsilitis, dan tuberkulosis. Antibiotik kadang-kadang disebut “obat ajaib” karena dapat menyembuhkan penyakit seperti meningitis, pneumonia, dan demam berdarah”.

Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka penyakit apa yang tidak bisa disembuhkan dengan antibiotik adalah cacar air (chickenpox).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) Chickenpox.

2. What are discussed in paragraph two and four?
A. Both paragraphs describe how antibiotics work.
B. Both paragraphs tell about the effects of misusing antibiotics.
C. Both paragraphs explain how antibiotics damage organs and tissue.
D. Paragraph two tells what causes the pathogenic microbes multiply and paragraph four tells how un-resistant microbes become resistant.
E. Paragraph two tells how antibiotics destroy harmless microbes and paragraph four describes how the pathogenic microbes transfer genetic material to non-resistant microbes.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Apa yang dibahas dalam paragraf dua dan empat?”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan “Antibiotics do not always distinguish between harmless and dangerous microbes yang memiliki arti “Antibiotik tidak selalu membedakan antara mikroba yang tidak berbahaya dan yang berbahaya”.

Pada paragraf keempat teks tersebut disebutkan “The resistant microbes transfer genetic material to non-resistant microbes and cause them to become resistant” yang memiliki arti “Mikroba yang resisten mentransfer materi genetik ke mikroba yang tidak resisten dan menyebabkan mereka menjadi resisten”.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (E) Paragraph two tells how antibiotics destroy harmless microbes and paragraph four describes how the pathogenic microbes transfer genetic material to non-resistant microbes.

3. Choose one from the following which is not the effect of using antibiotics improperly?
A. Organs and tissues are damaged.
B. The pathogenic microbes multiply.
C. Harmless micro-organism are destroyed.
D. Pathogenic microbes become non-resistant.
E. New infection which is called superinfection develops.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Pilih salah satu dari berikut ini yang bukan merupakan akibat dari penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak tepat?”. Pada paragraf keempat teks tersebut disebutkan Resistance to antibiotics may be acquired by pathogenic microbes yang memiliki arti “Kekebalan terhadap antibiotik bisa saja didapat oleh kuman penyebab penyakit”.

Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka pernyataan yang salah tentang akibat penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak tepat adalah Pathogenic microbes become non-resistant (Mikroba patogen menjadi tidak kebal).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) Pathogenic microbes become non resistant.

4. Antibiotics do not always distinguish between harmless and dangerous microbes” (Paragraph 2). The word “distinguish” means …
A. Vary
B. Compare
C. Correlate
D. Contradict
E. Differentiate
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Arti kata “distinguish” adalah …”. Pada konteks kalimat tersebut, kata “distinguish” memiliki makna “membedakan”. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka kata yang memiliki makna yang paling dekat dengan kata tersebut adalah Differentiate.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (E) Differentiate.

Sekian Soal dan Pembahasan Antibiotic which diseases cannot be cured by antibiotics. Semoga which diseases cannot be cured by antibiotics Soal dan Pembahasan Antibiotic tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar.

Baca juga: Soal dan Pembahasan Ant-Eaters

Ambiz Education Search:
which diseases cannot be cured by antibiotics | antibiotic is a drug produced by certain microbes | choose one from the following which is not the effect of using antibiotics improperly | antibiotics do not always distinguish between harmless and dangerous microbes