Soal dan Pembahasan Milton Friedman

who influenced milton friedman on economic research

Soal dan Pembahasan Milton Friedman – Secara umum materi recount text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMA. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi recount text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.

This text is for questions 1 to 3.

Milton Friedman

I, Milton Friedman was born on July 31, 1921, in Brooklyn, N.Y., the fourth and last child and first son of Sarah Ethel (Landau) and Jeno Saul Friedman. My parents were born in Carpatho-Ruthenia of the Soviet Union. They emigrated to the U.S. in their teens, meeting in New York. When I was a year old, my parents moved to Rahway, N.J., a small town about 20 miles from New York City.

I was awarded a competitive scholarship to Rutgers University. I graduated from Rutgers in 1932. I financed the rest of my college expenses by the usual mixture of waiting at tables, clerking in a retail store, occasional entrepreneurial ventures, and summer earnings. Shortly, however, I became interested in economics.

In economics, I had the good fortune to be exposed to two remarkable men: Arthur F. Burns and Homer Jones. Arthur Burns shaped my understanding of economic research, introduced me to the highest scientific standards, and became a guiding influence on my subsequent career. Homer Jones introduced me to rigorous economic theory, made economics exciting and relevant, and encouraged me to go on to graduate work. On his recommendation, the Chicago Economics Department offered me a tuition scholarship. As it happened, I was also offered a scholarship by Brown University in Applied Mathematics, but, by that time, I had definitely transferred my primary allegiance to economics. In 1976 I won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for my achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy. In 1977, at age 65,1 retired from the University of Chicago after teaching there for 30 years.

1. Who influenced Milton Friedman on economic research?
A. Sarah Ethel.
B. Jeno Friedman.
C. Arthur F. Burns
D. Homer Jones.
E. Alfred Nobel.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Siapa yang mempengaruhi Milton Friedman dalam penelitian ekonomi?”. Pada paragraf ketiga teks tersebut disebutkan Arthur Burns shaped my understanding of economic research, introduced me to the highest scientific standards, and became a guiding influence on my subsequent career” yang memiliki arti “Arthur Burns membentuk pemahaman saya tentang penelitian ekonomi, mengenalkan saya pada standar ilmiah tertinggi, dan menjadi pengaruh penuntun bagi karier saya selanjutnya”.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) Arthur F. Burns

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Milton Friedman was very committed in his interest and talent in economics.
B. Homer Jones shaped Milton Friedman understanding of economic research.
C. Arthur Burns introduced Milton Friedman to rigorous economic theory.
D. Brown University offered Milton Friedman a tuition scholarship.
E. Milton Friedman was offered a scholarship by the Chicago Economics Department in Applied Mathematics.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Apa gagasan utama paragraf 3?”. Pada paragraf ketiga teks tersebut disebutkan In 1976 I won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for my achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy” yang memiliki arti “Pada tahun 1976 saya memenangkan Hadiah Nobel Ekonomi untuk prestasi saya di bidang analisis konsumsi, sejarah dan teori moneter dan untuk demonstrasi kompleksitas kebijakan stabilisasi”.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (A) Milton Friedman was very committed in his interest and talent in economics

3. What did Milton Friedman do in financing his college expenses?
A. He was a teacher during summer.
B. He had a job in entrepreneur company.
C. He worked as a clerk in a retail store.
D. He sold tables to people.
E. He taught economics in the university.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Apa yang dilakukan Milton Friedman dalam membiayai biaya kuliahnya?”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan I financed the rest of my college expenses by the usual mixture of waiting at tables, clerking in a retail store, occasional entrepreneurial ventures, and summer earnings” yang memiliki arti “Saya membiayai sisa biaya kuliah saya dengan campuran menunggu di meja, juru tulis di toko ritel, usaha wirausaha sesekali, dan pendapatan musim panas.”.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) He worked as a clerk in a retail store

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Baca juga: Soal dan Pembahasan Michael Faraday

Ambiz Education Search:
who influenced milton friedman on economic research | what did milton friedman do in financing his college expenses | i milton friedman was born on july 31 1921 in brooklyn ny the fourth and last child and first son of sarah ethel landau and jeno saul friedman