Soal dan Pembahasan Five Drinks to Help You Lose Weight – Secara umum materi analytical exposition text dapat dipelajari pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkatan SMA. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat materi analytical exposition text yang soalnya akan dibagikan pada tulisan ini beserta pembahasannya.
This text is for questions 1 to 4.
Five Drinks to Help You Lose Weight
There are many ways to lose weight. You can do sports regularly and eat nutritious food and drinks. One thing you should not forget is to make sure to consume healthy drinks. Soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks that you often consume contain added sugars and carbohydrates that jeopardize your weight-loss strategy. Here are five drinks that won’t add to your weight.
First, water is the best weight loss drink. If you are bored with drinking pure water, you can try adding fresh lemon slices, lime, and cucumber, to add flavour but not calories.
Second, vegetable juice provides you with the fibre and nutrients that your body needs to promote weight loss, as well as keep you full longer. Find vegetables that have low sodium levels.
Third, unsweetened tea. Green tea improves metabolism and accelerates weight loss. Black and oolong teas contain a lot of antioxidants, which can help clear your body of toxins.
Fourth, black coffee helps stimulate your weight loss as caffeine suppresses hunger when you drink it in the morning and afternoon. It also heats up the body and boosts metabolism.
Last, skimmed milk provides lean protein, vitamin D, and calcium that help you build muscles and keep your bones strong.
By choosing the right drinks, such as the five drinks mentioned, you can lose your weight and maintain your health.
1. What is the text about?
A. Milk is not a good drink for losing weight.
B. Black coffee helps to suppress your hunger.
C. Five drinks that can maintain your healthy life.
D. You have to drink unsweetened tea for your diet program.
E. Popular soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks can be loaded with added sugars and carbohydrates.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Tentang apa teks tersebut?”. Pada paragraf pertama teks tersebut disebutkan “Here are five drinks that won’t add to your weight” yang memiliki arti “Inilah lima minuman yang tidak akan menambah berat badan Anda”.
Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks tersebut membahas tentang lima minuman yang dapat menjaga kesehatan Anda (five drinks that can maintain your healthy life).
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) Five drinks that can maintain your healthy life.
2. Which of the following drinks is NOT mentioned in the text?
A. Vegetable juice.
B. Skimmed milk.
C. Mochaccino.
D. Oolong tea.
E. Black tea.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Manakah dari minuman berikut yang TIDAK disebutkan dalam teks tersebut?”. Pada paragraf teks tersebut disebutkan beberapa jenis minuman seperti water, vegetable juice, unsweetened tea, black coffee, dan skimmed milk.
Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa minuman yang tidak disebutkan dalam teks tersebut adalah mochaccino.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (C) Mochaccino.
3. According to the text, what can you do if you are bored with drinking pure water?
A. You can replace it with soft drinks.
B. You can add sugar and green tea.
C. You can add syrup to the water.
D. You can add fresh lemon slices, lime, and cucumber to add flavour.
E. You can add sugar and fresh lemon slices, lime, cucumber, and a tomato.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Menurut teks, apa yang dapat Anda lakukan jika Anda bosan minum air murni?”. Pada paragraf kedua teks tersebut disebutkan “If you are bored with drinking pure water, you can try adding fresh lemon slices, lime, and cucumber, to add flavour but not calories” yang memiliki arti “Jika bosan minum air putih, Anda bisa mencoba menambahkan irisan lemon segar, jeruk nipis, dan mentimun, untuk menambah rasa tetapi bukan kalori.”.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) You can add fresh lemon slices, lime, and cucumber to add flavour.
4. “It also heats up the body and boosts metabolism” (Paragraph 5). What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Water.
B. Green tea.
C. Carrot juice.
D. Black coffee.
E. Skimmed milk.
Pada soal di atas menanyakan “Kata yang digarisbawahi merujuk pada apa?”. Pada paragraf kelima teks tersebut disebutkan “Fourth, black coffee helps stimulate your weight loss as caffeine suppresses hunger when you drink it in the morning and afternoon. It also heats up the body and boosts metabolism” yang memiliki arti “Keempat, kopi hitam membantu merangsang penurunan berat badan Anda karena kafein menekan rasa lapar saat Anda meminumnya di pagi dan sore hari. Itu juga memanaskan tubuh dan meningkatkan metabolisme”.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D) Black coffee.
Sekian Soal dan Pembahasan Five Drinks to Help You Lose Weight five drinks to help you lose weight there are many ways to lose weight. Semoga five drinks to help you lose weight there are many ways to lose weight Soal dan Pembahasan Five Drinks to Help You Lose Weight tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar.
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five drinks to help you lose weight there are many ways to lose weight | which of the following drinks is not mentioned in the text | what is the text about | according to the text what can you do if you are bored with drinking pure water | it also heats up the body and boosts metabolism