Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 18 (Invert with Conditionals)

the north pole a latitude of 90 degrees north

Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 18 beserta pembahasan lengkap dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.

Skill 18 Invert The Subject and Verb with Conditionals (Inversi (pembalikan) Posisi Subjek dan Kata Kerja dengan (Ungkapan) Pengandaian)

Dalam struktur conditional (if clause: kalimat pengandaian) tertentu, subjek dan kata kerja juga dapat diinnversi (dibalik). Hal ini dapat terjadi jika helping verb (kata kerja bantu) dalam conditional clause adalah had, should, atau were, dan connector dari conditional clause “If” dihilangkan.

1. If he had taken more time, the results would have been better.
Had he taken more time, the results would have been better. 

2. I would help you if I were in a position to help.
I would help you were I in a position to help. 

3. If you should arrive before 6:00, just give me a call.
Should you arrive before 6:00, just give me a call. 

Dalam setiap contoh di atas, Anda dapat melihat bahwa ketika connector “If” disertakan, subjek dan kata kerja berada dalam urutan yang teratur, yaitu “If + Subject + Verb …” (if he had taken; if I were; if you should arrive). Mungkin juga untuk menghilangkan connector “if”; dalam hal ini, subjek dan kata kerja diinversi atau dibalik (had he taken; were Ishould you arrive).

The report would have been accepted____in checking its accuracy.
(A) if more care
(B) more care had been taken
(C) had taken more care
(D) had more care been taken
Jawaban: D
Dalam contoh ini connector (If) dan subjek serta kata kerja diperlukan, tetapi “If” dapat dihilangkan; subjek dan kata kerja diinversi atau dibalik. Jawaban (A) salah karena berisi connector if dan subjek “care” tetapi tidak ada verb (kata kerja). Jawaban (B) salah karena berisi subjek “care” dan kata kerja “had been taken”, tetapi tidak memiliki penghubung (connector). Pada jawaban (C) dan (D), connector “if” sudah dihilangkan. Karena benar untuk menginversi atau membalikkan subjek “more care” dan helping verb (kata kerja membantu) “had”, jawaban (D) adalah jawaban yang paling tepat.

Perlu diingat!!!


Conditionals (kalimat  pengandaian) yang dapat diinversi atau dibalik ketika terdapat auxiliary verb, seperti had, should, dan were pada if clause.

Ketika verb pada conditional clause berupa “is” atau “were”, mungkin saja subjek dan verb dihilangkan atau diinversi (dibalik).

“(omitted if) Verb + Subject …”
were he here, he would help. 

Selain itu, mungkin juga “If” pada contitional clause tetap (tidak dihilangkan). Kemudian, subject dan verb tidak diinversi (dibalik).“If Subject + Verb …”If he were here, he would help. 

EXERCISE 18: Each of the following sentences contains a conditional with a stated or an implied if. Italicise the conditionals, or put an asterisk (*) where if has been omitted. Look at the clauses that follow and underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

1. Were our neighbors a bit more friendly, it would be somewhat easier to get to know them. (…)

2. There are plenty of blankets in the closet if should you get cold during the night. (…)

3. Has he enough vacation days left this year, he will take two full weeks off in December. (…)

4. Had we been informed of the decision, we might have had something to say about it. (…)

5. I would like to know could you help me pack these boxes. (…)

6. He would have been in big trouble had not he remembered the assignment at the last minute. (…)

7. If your friends come to visit, will they stay in hotel or at your house? (…)

8. He might be a little more successful today were he a little more willing to do some hard work. (…)

9. Should you ever visit this town again, I would be delighted to show you around. (…)

10. Do you think that she would give the speech were she asked to do so? (…)

Kunci Jawaban:

1. *Were our neighbors a bit more friendly, it would be somewhat easier to get to know them. ( C ) “reduced conditional atau If clause”

2. There are plenty of blankets in the closet if should you get cold during the night. ( I ) “connector If harus dihilangkan agar membentuk reduced conditional atau If clause yang benar”

3. Has he If he has enough vacation days left this year, he will take two full weeks off in December. ( I ) “has tidak dapat diinversi pada reduced conditional/ if clause”

4. *Had we been informed of the decision, we might have had something to say about it. ( C )

5. I would like to know could you help If you could help me pack these boxes. ( I ) “could tidak dapat diinversi pada reduced conditional/ if clause”

6. He would have been in big trouble *had not he remembered the assignment at the last minute. ( C )

7. If your friends come to visit, will they stay in hotel or at your house? ( C )

8. He might be a little more successful today *were he a little more willing to do some hard work. ( C )

9. *Should you ever visit this town again, I would be delighted to show you around. ( C )

10. Do you think that she would give the speech *were she asked to do so? ( C )

Sekian Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 18 beserta pembahasan dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. Semoga Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 18 tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar TOEFL.

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Daftar Sekarang: Ambiz TOEFL Masterclass – Belajar TOEFL dengan Animasi Visual Interaktif

Baca juga: Materi TOEFL Structure Skill 17 (Invert With Negatives)

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