TOEFL Exercise Skill 37-38 Latihan Structure

latihan structure TOEFL exercise skill 37-38 pembahasan

Latihan TOEFL Structure, exercise skill 37-38 beserta pembahasan lengkap dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test.

Blok untuk kata yang merupakan subject dan blok dengan digarisbawahi untuk kata yang merupakan verb (kata kerja). Lalu tentukan kalimat yang benar dan kalimat yang salah.

1. After the old radiator had be replaced, the travellers continued their cross-country trip.
Jawaban: Incorrect/salah – be seharusnya been

2. During the lightning storm, he struck in the head by a falling tree.
Jawaban: Incorrect/salah – struck seharusnya was struck

3. While I am on vacation, the pets seharusnya feeds every morning and evening.
Jawaban: Incorrect/salah – feeds seharusnya fed

4. A book being written now by a team of writers will be published in the fall.
Jawaban: Correct/benar.

5. I found out that the real estate agent had already been leased the condominium.
Jawaban: Incorrect/salah – been leased seharusnya leased

6. The house that Mrs. Martin has always wanted to buy has just placed on the market.
Jawaban: Incorrect/salah – placed seharusnya been placed

7. The foundation should have been finishing by the construction workers before they left the construction site.
Jawaban: Incorrect/salah – finishing seharusnya finished

8. We must leave that money in the checking account because the bills pay on the first of the month.
Jawaban: Incorrect/salah – pay seharusnya are paid

9. The horses can’t be taken out now because they have been rode for the past few hours.
Jawaban: Incorrect/salah – rode seharusnya ridden

10. It is being announced by a presidential aide that a lawyer from Virginia has been named attorney general.
Jawaban: Correct/benar.

Latihan TOEFL Structure Exercise Skill 37-38 Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut.

1. ___ discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the supervisors.
(A) The problem had already
(B) The problem is already
(C) The problem had already been
(D) The problem has already
Jawaban yang benar adalah (C) The problem had already been            

2. Much of the carnage of elephants, giraffes, and big cats ___ uncaring hunters.
(A) must commit by
(B) must be committed
(C) must have committed
(D) must have been committed by
Jawaban yang benar adalah (D) must have been committed by            

3. The x-rays treatments ___ up to the time that he was dismissed from the hospital.
(A) gave daily
(B) were given daily
(C) basically have given
(D) daily had been given
Jawaban yang benar adalah (B) were given daily        

4. Particular issues (A) that concern (B) teenagers were (C) covering (D) in the half-hour program.
Jawaban yang benar adalah (D) covering karena seharusnya adalah covered

5. Electrical impulses (A) may (B) also picked (C) up by the optic (D) nerve.
Jawaban yang benar adalah (C) picked karena seharusnya adalah be picked

6. Workers training (A) for a specific job have (B) a strong possibility of being (C) replace (D) by a machine.
Jawaban yang benar adalah (D) replace karena seharusnya adalah replaced

7. On (A) June 30, 1992, international timekeepers in Paris were added (B) an extra second (C) to the day (D).
Jawaban yang benar adalah (B) were added karena seharusnya adalah added

8. The report could not be (A) turned (B) in on time because all the needed (C) work lost (D).
Jawaban yang benar adalah (D) lost karena seharusnya adalah was lost

9. In English these questions have be (A) formed (B), by changing (C) the word order of a statement, whereas in some languages the word order remains (D) the same.
Jawaban yang benar adalah (A) have be karena seharusnya adalah have been

10. He was not (A) able to define (B) the process by which (C) the body had protected (D) by the immunologic system.
Jawaban yang benar adalah (D) had protected karena seharusnya adalah had been provided

Sekian Latihan TOEFL Structure untuk skill 37-38 beserta pembahasan dari buku Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. Semoga TOEFL exercise 37-38 tadi dapat membantu teman-teman dalam belajar TOEFL.

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