Cara Menambahkan Subdomain Niagahoster ke Firebase Hosting

Menambahkan subdomain Niagahoster ke Firebase Hosting adalah sebuah langkah penting dalam proses pengelolaan situs web atau aplikasi kamu. Ini dilakukan untuk menghubungkan subdomain yang ada di Niagahoster dengan layanan hosting Firebase. Mengintegrasikan subdomain Niagahoster dengan Firebase Hosting memiliki beberapa keuntungan, diantaranya adalah: Berikut adalah penjelasan cara menambahkan subdomain Niagahoster ke Firebase Hosting: 1. Akses Firebase …

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Cara Install dan Menggunakan Tailwind CSS pada Project React JS

Sebelum kita memulai panduan instalasi, penting untuk memahami alasan mengapa Tailwind CSS dapat sangat berguna dalam pengembangan proyek React. Tailwind CSS merupakan suatu kerangka kerja CSS yang memungkinkan untuk merancang dan mengelola tampilan antarmuka proyek React dengan mudah. Dengan Tailwind CSS, terdapat beberapa keuntungan yang akan didapatkan: 1. Pastikan kamu sudah membuat proyek React. Jika …

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Dicoding Submission Bookshelf API – Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula

Berikut adalah tutorial membuat Project Submission Bookshelf API pada Kelas Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula. 1. Pastikan sudah menginstall nodejs pada PC. Kemudian yang perlu dilakukan adalah membuat folder untuk project. 2. Buka command prompt pada folder tersebut, kemudian ketikkan perintah berikut untuk membuat proyek node.js. 3. Buat folder baru dalam folder proyek tersebut dengan nama src. Kemudian …

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How to import SketchUp (SKP) files to Blender 3.0

Have SketchUp Model and want to import it in blender. But, Blender doesn’t support import from the SketchUp model (SKP file). The solution to the problem You can download the in SketchUp 2022 (SKP) importer for Blender 3.0 here. The Add-on supports Blender up to version 3.2, which is currently in alpha. Download and install the …

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How to Apply Roughness Texture in Unity?

When downloading some models including textures, all of them have a Roughness Image. But, you can’t read in the Image how big the Roughness (or Smoothness) is, so actually don’t know how big the Smoothness value should be that the model looks perfect. The solution to the problem First of all, Unity uses smoothness, which …

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How to Apply Materials to Faces in Unity?

If you would like to apply texture to a simple cube in Unity, but you don’t want to apply the texture to all of the faces. When apply the texture to the cube’s material, it apply the same texture to all of the faces and on some of the faces the texture is upside down. The solution to …

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How to do collision detection in Unity between Character Controller, Rigidbody Collider, and a NavmeshAgent?

How to detect a collision between NavmeshAgent and a CharacterController? Have added a sphere collider to my NavmeshAgent, but it doesn’t seem to detect a collision unless set to “IsTrigger”. Have tried OnCollisionEnter(), OnControllerColliderHit(), and OnTriggerEnter(). OnTriggerEnter() seems to be the only one that works and only when I enable “IsTrigger”. The solution to the …

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SetDestination can only be called on an active agent that is on a NavMesh

If you are trying to make that the enemy is following the player with a script and a NavMesh agent, but its not working and got this error: SetDestination” can only be called on an active agent that has been placed on a NavMesh.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent:SetDestination(Vector3) The solution to the problem In Unity, NavMesh is handled from …

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How to Delete Edge or Vertex in Unity

When working on ProBuilder in Unity, you might can’t able to delete any vertices or edges with the backspace key. You might also can’t able to delete the edge loop. Not seeing this function on the ProBuilder window when switching to an element (edge/vertex model). But, face deleted is working fine. The solution to the …

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